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NAMI Support Groups are peer-led, confidential, supportive, and open to all. Gain insight from from hearing the challenges and successes of others facing similar circumstances in groups facilitated by trained leaders who’ve been there. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns - or feel free to jump right in to one of our groups! We are here with you and for you.


If you or a loved one is in immediate danger, Call 911

Call or Text 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

 or visit our Crisis Intervention page



Online Support Groups & Socials

Using Zoom

In Person Support Groups & Socials

Free courses and support groups designed for individuals in recovery and moderated by peers

Free courses and support groups designed for family members, caregivers, and friends of those with mental illness

NAMI programs and local scholarships tailored for youth

Online Class

Online support groups, socials, and presentations hosted on Zoom. 

Community resources and other support services for the local area

List of contacts for local mental health resources and 911 calling guidelines

Weather Cancellation Policy

NAMI classes and support groups will be canceled in the following cases:

  • If evening events in the community to include schools and other organizations are cancelled, and if local media and public safety officials advise against travelling, NAMI programs will not operate.

  • Any times schools are closed due to weather, classes and support groups will be canceled on that day and evening.

  • At times when schools are not in session, NAMI will follow the US Navy’s policy. When the Navy states that only essential employees must report for work, NAMI classes and support groups will be canceled on that day and evening.

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